Golfinho is definitely overlooked by the majority of the NG community. This flash truly demonstrates his plight!
Golfinho is definitely overlooked by the majority of the NG community. This flash truly demonstrates his plight!
hey thats my name there
lolololol you put my name in the title, too bad another graphic designer has the same name as me and all his shit will pop up on google before this.
As a kitty krew admin, I must say that this is the most accurate portrayal I have ever seen of the kitty krew. This should be front paged.
one day I wish I could be cool like 10jd
aw man
I was hoping this was a parody. I was expecting a terrible dub, a terrible storyline and half assed animation, just like the original dubbed series.
yeah, if i did actually animate an episode, it would have been self-satirising.
actually i'd probably have it parody all sorts of other anime.
One time Chris Beer called me cool, it made my day :3
Welfare leech
Joined on 9/28/06